Early Detection......can SURVIVE.......do screening......Cancer Marker Blood Tests every year
1. Alpha fetoprotein (AFP) & DR-70........for screening Liver Cancer
2. CA 15.3 & DR-70.......for screening Breast Cancer
3. CA 19.9 & DR-70.......for screening Gastric/Pancreatic/Stomach Cancer
4. Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) & DR-70........for screening Colorectal Cancer
5. CA 125, CA 125 II & DR-70........for screening Cancers of Uterus, Fallopian and Ovaries
6. Epstein Bar Virus (EBV) & DR-70.......for screening Nasophryngeal Cancer
7. CA 125 & DR-70......for screening Lung Cancer
8. DR-70.......for screening 13 different cancers at the same time......lung, colon, breast, stomach, liver, rectum, ovary, cervix, esophagus, thyroid, pancreas, trophoblast and malignant lymphoma.